Welcome to the archived Wiki of the Webware for Python project.
This Wiki has been created by Ian Bicking in October 2001, using the Webware framework. Its purpose was to facilitate discussion about Webware: its design, its use and its future. This Wiki was intended to supplement, not replace, the Webware homepage, webware lists and docs . It collected interesting ideas and recipes by Webware users and developers until May 2010. It now has been closed and archived as a read-only reference and historical document. Please note that many links are now broken, and some of the content may not be applicable to the latest versions of Webware for Python any more.
How to design your webware application. |
How to integrate Webware with various webservers. |
Detailed explanations on how to accomplish common tasks. |
Tools to generate charts on demand. |
Detailed explanations and links to tools for working with databases. |
Things that have tripped people up. |
How to secure your Webware applications. |
What to look for in a host. |
Apache's mod_rewrite: the solution to all questions regarding URLs, eliminating Webware-specific parts of the URL, and dealing with virtual hosts. |
E-Commerce, Credit cards, dynamic pricing, etc. |
A catch-all for items that don't fit anywhere else. |
News items from the webware project, in chronological order |
Describes the internal process for handling a transaction. |
Documents all known compatibility issues between Webware, Python, and third-party modules. |
Off-Site Tutorial to a simple calendar control.
Offsite: from a talk at LinuxTag 2002 (50% Webware, 50% MiddleKit)
This is a copy of the current Webware/WebKit/Docs/Future.txt document.
Jan 2005 - Summary of discussion on mailing lists about what we should work on in the near future.
An informal wishlist of things people would like to see improved in Webware. Wishes that become planned features are moved from this list to the ToDo list.
A more formal list of improvements that are planned for specific releases (e.g. 0.9).
a list of wishes and todo items that have been completed.
An index of the development sub-projects that are focussed on discussing and implementing specific items on the ToDo list.
An 'unofficial' refactoring of the Webware 0.6 codebase that addresses many of the items on the WishList and ToDo list.
Third-party documents on high-level design issues
Guidelines for submitting patches
Guidelines for Webware Developers (Read this if you want CVS access)
As of March 2005, the Webware source is stored in Subversion. Here is how to access it.
links to other pages that discuss Webware