Webware for Python is a suite of Python packages and tools for developing object-oriented, web-based applications. The suite uses well known design patterns and includes a fast Application Server, Servlets, Python Server Pages (PSP), Object-Relational Mapping, Task Scheduling, Session Management, and many other features. Webware is very modular and easily extended.
Webware for Python is well proven and platform-independent. It is compatible with multiple web servers, database servers and operating systems.
The first bugfix release of Webware for Python 1.1 is now available (download as tarball or zip archive). See the WebKit release notes for details.
A new version of the DBUtils plugin (DBUtils-1.1.tar.gz) is available for downloaded now. See the Release Notes for DBUtils for changes.
The final release of Webware for Python 1.1. is now available (download as tarball or zip archive). Major new features: WSGI adapter, Sessions based on shelve or Memcached, MiddleKit supports SQLite now. The 1.1 branch runs on Python 2.4 to 2.7. See the overall and WebKit specific release notes for details.
You can also download a new bugfix release 1.0.3 (tarball or zip) of the older 1.0 branch which supports all Python versions from 2.0 to 2.7.
Published some new benchmarks for the perfomance of Webware with the various Apache connectors.
The second bugfix release of Webware for Python 1.0 is now available (download as tarball or zip archive). See the WebKit release notes for details.
This is the first bugfix release of Webware for Python 1.0 (download as tarball or zip archive). See the WebKit release notes for details.
The software for the Webware Wiki has been updated and can be downloaded here.
The historic 1.0 final release of Webware for Python can now be downloaded (tarball or zip archive). A lot of bugs have been fixed, and a few small improvements and changes have been made since the last release. See the WebKit, MiddleKit, TaskKit and CGIWrapper release notes for details.
You can also download the new release 1.0 of the database connection utility DBUtils (tarball or zip archive). See the DBUtils release notes for details.
A new release of Webware (Webware-0.9.4.tar.gz) and DBUtils (DBUtils-0.9.4.tar.gz) can be downloaded. Webware has got some new configuration settings, and some bugs have been fixed. Please have a look at the WebKit release notes and the Release Notes for DBUtils for details.
Some minor problems have been fixed in LoginKit. LoginKit handles logins in Webware, using Component. The latest version LoginKit-0.2.tar.gz can be downloaded from here.
DBUtils 0.9.3 has been released. You can either install it independently or as a Webware plug-in. DBUtils-0.9.3.tar.gz can be downloaded directly from here. User's Guide and Release Notes are available online and contained in the distribution as well.
Webware for Python version 0.9.3 can be downloaded here. It includes a couple of fixes and improvements of WebKit and some cleanup of the overall Webware codebase. More details in the WebKit release notes.
A new feature in this release is automatic redirection to custom error pages whenever an HTTP error or any other Python exception occurs in a servlet.
There still had been some quirks with Python versions before 2.2 and after 2.4, which have been solved in this release. Webware now runs fine with the current Python 2.5, but is still backward compatible down to Python 2.0 (except for KidKit, because Kid requires Python 2.3 anyway). The plan is to keep this broad compatibility range in the upcoming Webare 1.0 release, postponing major refactoring and strengthening requirements until later versions.
The software for the Webware Wiki has been updated and can be downloaded here.
Component provides a subclass of WebKit.Page that makes it easier to reuse code from multiple sources that extend the capability of servlets. You can download Component-0.2.tar.gz from here. LoginKit handles logins in Webware, using Component. LoginKit-0.1.tar.gz can also be downloaded from here.
DBUtils 0.9.2 has been released and can be downloaded from here. See the Release Notes for changes.
Webware for Python version 0.9.2 can be downloaded here. It includes a couple of fixes and improvements of WebKit, MiddleKit, MiscUtils and WebUtils (see the respective release notes).
A new feature in this release is the possibility to dump stack frames of all running threads to standard output by sending a SIGQUIT or SIGBREAK signal to the Application server using the threadframe module.
DBUtils 0.9.1 has been released and can be downloaded from here. See the Release Notes for changes.
Webware for Python version 0.9.1 has been released and is available for download now. It contains a couple of fixes and improvements of the WebKit, MiddleKit and KidKit components. The documentation is contained in the released package and is also available online.
Finally, Webware for Python version 0.9 is available for download.
It again includes numerous enhancements, additions and bug fixes over the previous release. See the documentation and release notes for more information.
DBUtils 0.8.1 is now available as a separate package; please download from here.
WSGIKit has a new site: http://wsgikit.org
It also has a new tutorial on making a to-do application.
ZPTKit version 0.1 released. ZPTKit helps make Zope Page Templates easy to use with Webware. For more on ZPTKit see here, download the package or view the source.
Component version 0.1 released.
Webware has switched its source-code repository from using Sourceforge's CVS service to using a Subversion hosted on the webwareforpython.org (aka w4py.org) server. Here are some instructions on how to access the repository. Newcomers to subversion may be interested in the Subversion book.
You can now find the WSGI-enabled Webware implementation at svn.colorstudy.com/trunk/WSGIKit. It is now distutil-installable and includes documentation.
An effort is in the works to port Webware to the new Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI). The WSGI is an effort by the Python Web-SIG to create a standard interface for Python web applications, frameworks, and servers, and should allow Webware to be run in different environments, and alongside other Python web frameworks. Work can be found in a SVN repository at svn.w4py.org/WSGIKit/trunk.
Thanks to Eric Radman for the new site design, and Jacob Hanson for the logo. We're in the process of moving content over from the old site, re-organizing, and updating it where necessary. Please bear with us.
The Webware project has been generously provided with a virtual server and hosting package, and has registered webwareforpython.org. We will be moving the Wiki to this server and are in the process of redesigning the entire website in order to provide more useful and better-organized information -- stay tuned!
Webware 0.8.1 released. It contains an important security fix, and all users should download and upgrade. See the WebKit 0.8.1 release notes for details.
Webware 0.8 was released today. See the Webware 0.8 release notes for more info.